The Earth Colony The Cabal Fake Aliens Alien Movies Fake Alien Invasion FAQ

All alien invasions are fake

In order to protect humanity from the alien invaders, a human alliance will start global martial law. Several pre-selected ET/UFO Experts, say two men and one woman, who have been fed information by agents for years, they will be brought out to be the alien advisors.

But remember these “experts” have been trained how to receive information from the intelligence agents and since they are patriots (to their respective nations or even to humanity), and they mean well, they are perfect pawns for the Cabal Strategy.

You can see the plan coming together. The agencies control the media pieces: the radio, TV, the internet— information outlets are controlled. They’ll get turned off and this will be blamed on the aliens.

Remember, helping the aliens are the secret operatives already in public, they are CEOs of tech giants, they are media barons, they are politicians and they are filmmakers, they work for the newspapers and they control the electricity grid and the gasoline distribution.

Things will get turned off, a nuke will be set off and the aliens will be blamed, but it’s not the aliens; it’s an operative who pressed the button because we know that even 1,000 rogue aliens cannot do the job.

A fake alien invasion is on the table. It may not be exactly as I described it, and will likely contain so many elements that it is beyond your comprehension, as intended. Nevertheless, be warned that this is a coming event, we are at the ending of the old cycle and the alien card is about to unfold.