The Cabal | Cabal Violations | The 1964 Agreement | MILABS |
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MILITARY LABS (MILABS) These are rogue military-intelligence units (1). They execute psychological warfare operations. Their job is to intimidate, drug, interrogate, torture, reprogram, and to rape any civilians in order to perpetuate the "evil alien" myth. To this extent, they have been busy for the last 50 years. THE HOLOGRAPHIC ATTACK MILABS can project a holographic image of an extraterrestrial (several types) into civilian homes. They can simultaneously beam thoughts to a target via psychotronic devices. They can also beam or generate negative emotions. The holographic attack is used to terrorize a target. A message will be delivered. False information will be forced onto the target, eg "I am a Pleiadian. You are a goddess." |
FALSE ALIEN ABDUCTION - TYPE A Beam psychotronic energy to target, rendering them unconscious. Abduct civilian. Deliver them to secret facility. Torture, drug, abuse, and rape civilian then implant false memories that it was an "alien abduction." Individual becomes a propaganda agent. FALSE ALIEN ABDUCTION - TYPE B Draw person up using tractor beam technology (which is classified), take to fake UFO base for brainwashing, then have individual spread evil alien myth. FALSE CATTLE MUTILATIONSDraw up livestock using tractor beams, carve up using a laser tool, then drop onto field to perpetuate cattle mutilation myth. Sell this myth to gullible UFO enthusiasts who will then go on radio and scream terror and fear because they do not understand what is actually going on. FALSE HOLOGRAPHIC SHIPS Project holographic starship, have witnesses see ship, then have ship act in a strange or dangerous manner. Perhaps even time it with the deployment of an advanced satellite-based weapon. Repeat sightings, establish the foundation for a fake alien invasion using a combination of holographic and back-engineered ships. |
1. See Boylan, Richard. "Fake 'Alien Abductions' Conducted by Shadow Government Para-Military Operatives (MILABS)," retrieved at |